Post-Installation Tasks
Verify services are installed/started.
Make sure Startup type for SQL Server Agent (EPOSERVER) service is Automatic.
Make sure pop-up blocker is off.
Log in to ePO for first time.
Import root certificate.
Install required updates for Trellix security products (if appropriate).
View port assignments.
Configure ePO for multiple NICs (if appropriate).
Verify Services are Installed and Started
Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.
Identify the services installed on the server and started. Pay special attention to these services:
Trellix ePolicy Orchestrator Application Server Service (Tomcat): Responsible for displaying the ePO console and running extensions, as well as other background functions.
Trellix ePolicy Orchestrator Event Parser Service: Takes events uploaded from clients in your environment and parses them into the SQL database.
Trellix ePolicy Orchestrator Server Service (Apache): Processes and receives all agent-server communication.
Log Files for Application Server, Event Parser, and Server Services The following are the primary log locations for these services:
Application Server service (Tomcat): orion.log or orion_servername.log located in: ...\<epoinstallationdirectory>\server\logs\
Event Parser service: eventparser.log or eventparser_servername.log located in: ..\<epoinstallationdirectory>\db\logs\
Server service (Apache): server.log or server_servername.log located in: ...\<epoinstallationdirectory>\db\logs\
List of Services
Trellix ePO Application Server Service (Tomcat)
Trellix ePO Event Parser Service
Trellix ePO Server Service (Apache)
Product Improvement Program Service (optional)
SQL Server
SQL Server Agent
SQL Server Browser
Rely on constant, high-speed connection to ePO SQL Server database/ Cluster installs only
Logging in to ePO for the First Time
After the installation is complete, connect to the ePO server and verify the ePO console is accessible. Because the console is web-based, you can also access the console remotely using a supported browser at one of these addresses:
https://<servername>:<console-to-server port (default 8443)
https://<ipaddress_of_server>:<console-to-server port (default 8443)
After connecting to the server, log in with default admin account credentials. These credentials are case-sensitive. (Later, you will add accounts for other ePO users.)
Preferred language (Note: Choose English UK as the language for European date and time format. )
User name: admin (default)
Password: as specified during the install
Login Guidelines
You can log on to multiple ePO servers by opening a new browser session or tab for each ePO server.
The computer must exist in the same domain, (or a domain that has a trust relationship with that domain) as the ePO server.
If a system name contains an underscore (_) character, log on using the ePO server’s IP address, rather than the machine name.
Console communication is secured with industry standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
If desired, you can change the default login banner to meet your own needs. Click Menu > Configuration > Server Settings, select Login Message from the Settling Categories, then click Edit. Select Display custom login message, then enter your message and click Save.
Logging in to ePO using Identity Provider
ePO Single Sign-On feature enables the customer to bring their own identity provider for the user authentication purposes. This feature internally uses SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) that allows identity providers (IdPs) to pass authorization credentials to service providers (SP).
Supported Identity Providers:
Ping Identity
Azure AD
The service provider will be ePO.
Install Trellix ePO Single Sign-On Extension
Follow this process to install the ePO Single Sign-On extension from the Trellix Download site using your Trellix Grant Number.
Trellix ePO version must be 5.10.0 Update 11 or later
Configure your Identity Provider application
Browse to and select the ePOSingleSignOn_release_<version_number>.<build_number>.zip extension file, click Open, then click OK twice.
Configuring SSO to Log on to ePO
Using the Logon with IdP Feature
After configuration, click the Log On with IDP option on the ePO logon page (Service Provider initiated SSO), or click the configured application in the IdP console (Identity Provider initiated SSO), to test the logon option. On successful authentication, a page displays with the following message: SAML authentication is successful.
Close your browser to end your session and contact your administrator for ePO permissions grant.
Request the ePO administrator to grant the required permissions. A new user is created in ePO with a user name which is like the email address used in your IdP application, the authentication type is set to SAML authentication, and no permission sets are assigned. An administrator must log on to the ePO console and assign the required permissions to the newly created (IdP) user.
Importing the Root Certificate
ePO uses SSL for communication between the console and the Tomcat web server, so a certificate is required. When you log on, you are prompted to accept a security certificate.
Log on to the ePO server. The Certificate Error page appears.
Click Continue to this website.
Click Certificate Error.
Click View Certificates.
Click Certification Path tab.
Select the Orion_CA_Name_of_Server certificate and then click View Certificate.
Click Install Certificate.
Browse and select Local Computer as the physical store.
Viewing/Editing Port Assignments
Use this page (Menu > Configuration > Settings) to review and change selected port assignments for communication between the server, the agent, and other components. Click on the information (i) icons for more detailed information regarding each port.
The Pre-Installation Auditor tool is embedded into the ePO installer by default and identifies port conflicts prior to the installation.
The figure below shows which ports you can change from this screen. Changes take up to one minute to take effect.
IMPORTANT: Disabling the Agent-server communication secure port is NOT recommended as this breaks the agent-to-server communication until the agents are re-installed. Additionally, upon reinstallation, agents are forced to use a less secure, non-TLS communication path to ePO. For information about changing ports, see these Technical Articles:
KB72936(opens in a new tab): How to change ePO Agent-to-Server Communication secure port
KB52141(opens in a new tab): How to change the ePolicy Orchestrator Console-to-Application Server communication port
Configuring ePO for Multiple NICs
If the ePO server is multihomed (has multiple IP addresses), it is recommended to force the server to be bound to the correct interface. The server IP address is used by the master repository and for agent-server communication. If this address is not provided, the IP address of the first NIC in the binding order is used.
Open C:\Program Files (X86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\DB\server.ini.
Modify the [server] section of the file by adding this line:
ServerIPaddress=<IP address of server you want ePO to use>
Example: ServerIPaddress=
Save and close the server.ini file.
Restart all ePO services.
Basic Installation Troubleshooting
Should you have problems with your install, use this methodology to help identify the cause.
Ensure minimum installation requirements are met.
Review Release Notes.
Review relevant Technical Articles.
Verify account and permissions.
Collect exact text of all messages.
Write down any message codes.
Review any installer log files (%temp%\McafeeLogs\).
Last updated